Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The 2 valleys seperated joining together by the bridge

Night view of the bridge and Coke HQ in the distance.

Facebook HQ early morning sunrise

Coke inspired HQ

Meeting place

The inpiration of the bridge was to show power with the influence of the 2 clients. The two seperate Head Quarters are on two seperate valleys and the meet up point should be on the bottom of the 2 valleys. I wanted to show the two different clients and inspirations by halfing the bridge and showing how I thought Power can make interesting design. In the coke side the power is shown from the movement of the elevator being high up in the air shows class elegantcy. The power that conveys at the other side of the bridge representing facebook is great number of society shows the power of multiplied thoughts. Also as the pile progress it shows growth to reach the top.


EXP3. The bridge

Exp 3. Crysis file download

Peer Reivew

Model Bridge.

bridge model

Model dining table.

sketch up model

The dining table shows power by the layering of the stool leading up to the actual table. Its a simple design but depicts power by its simplicity. The chairs shows power by the hand rest and the detail design on the side. Long spokes pointing up to the arm rest shows power as the saying goes " you have the world in your hand". The colour coordinated represents the different clients. 


top view

side view


The facebook head quarter shows uniqe design. The building contains many glass faces. This development shows rooms with a good view for employees and to relax. I designed it so it captures an inspiration of the facebook world. The main room is just a simple box representing face book logo. The elevator simple but shows class and made it circle like for modernity and also captures the high power of the world using circles.







The coke Head quarters have many levels and rooms for the employees to work. The main attraction is the Hallway that curves. This represents the coke bottle. Modelling this was fun as the rooms developed it shows the movement of people around the building. The elevator for this building captures the shape of coke and shows power being futuristic as coke will always be popular till the future years. Tranfering model into crisis was abit of a pain at it did not tranfer all at once so i had to remodel some bits and export model section by section like a puzzle peice. It eventually took its form.


Applied textures.

 This texture is part of the cirular movement group. Being a moving elevator I thought it was a perfect texture as it shows movement and the model of the elevator is round to match with the texture.

 The texture on the Coke HQ provides a linear look to its floor and roof. Movement around this area is simple and flows through as a linear texture is the best to use.

 This is part of the bridge. I added texture to it to stengthen the impact of continual. The bridge is massive as this part of the bridge represent the many users of facebook as it also represent the continual growth of it and the many structure it has to become one of a power leading company.

36 Textures.

ride the elevator.

Top view of elevator

Bottom view of elevator

Most updated movement of elevator

two point perspectives.

ability. successful. direct
energy. united. noble
control. force. authority
dominate. influencial. triuph
respect. dignity. great
strength. order. wisdom